Cuba, 10 centavos, 1999

The first coin I grabbed was a repeat, a 1956 UK shilling of the Scottish variety. The next coin is one that is common in the bag.

Cuba, 10 centavos, 1999 (KM #576.2)

Cuba maintains two pesos, one for locals and one for tourists. it’s the Cuban government’s way of creating a financial firewall between the Cuban people and the wealth of the outside world. This coin is part of the convertable tourist peso, and I am surprised that said peso is worth more than the US dollar. Ten centavos is 10.8 cents USD! Good luck cashing in on that here.

This coin has been in production since 1994, but the mintage is unreported. The reverse of this coin features the <a href="">Castillo de la Real Fuerza, a 16th century fortress guarding Havana harbor.

Metal Nickel plated Steel
Weight 4 g
Diameter 20 mm
Thickness 1.8 mm
Shape Round
Orientation Medal alignment

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